This year was Crispystocks 5th anniversary, my 3rd year attending and my 1st year feeling like part of the furniture. Crispystock is an annual music event that takes place in The Lights- Andover in memory of 'Crispy' who died several years ago... all money raised goes to charity.
This years line up was not the best I've seen.. Where were In Darklight, Sondura and Sion? Fuck, the first year I went Plastic Toys were headlining! But my two favourite local bands played- and they played brilliantly.. In On The Chase and Within Her Depth did Andovers music scene proud!
Not to mention all of the other bands that played.. I had a brilliant day chillin with wilkie + Stigger and Ben who were running the acoustic stage, it was great to see so many faces I knew all in one place when usually I'd have to run all over town to see the. My family from The George were obviously there, as were South Street almost in its entirety, along with a few people I hadn't seen for months, and a few people I've seen every day for months. It was a weird mix of people but I still had a great day.
The afterparty at the George was a great few hours aswell.. When Stigger, Ben & I arrived the place was already fit to burst with people, including a few people from college out celebrating Savs 18th birthday.. the night was a bit of a blur which included spilling Fosters all of my sisters school bag-which i borrowed + getting it all in my shoes because Sav is toooo clumsy for her own good. It also included some drunk hairdressed playing air guitar for about 3 songs bouncing around on a sofa until he fell off to a great round of applause.
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